Lilly is out of school now and ready to be a kindergartner. She forgets sometimes that Corey is 18 months older than she is and my guess is that will be true for a long, long time. She's a real princess and very concerned about what she wears and how long her hair is. She has no interest in sports or anything else that could be considered "boyish". She's a little chatterbox and I keep telling myself "what goes around, comes around" since apparently I was the same as a 5-year old. :-) She did great at school this year and her teachers really like her. They always comment on how friendly she is and she does seem to get along with everyone which is so nice. Unfortunately, none of the kids from her class will be going to the the same school as her next year but we already know that she'll have the same teacher that Corey has this year and there are quite a few kids from the neighborhood who are starting Kindergarten also so she shouldn't have too much trouble adjusting...especially with big brother Corey around to show her how things work!

I've been taking a lot of pictures recently to practice my photography and Lilly is my favorite subject. She struggles with giving me silly grins but if I can catch her in a real smile, she looks beautiful. And she can pull off a hat great which I love!

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