Things are crazy at the moment. Between sick kids, sick Rob, a video editing project that is way over my head, a rush photo montage job, several photo sessions, vacation planning, a recent friend sleepover, and the kids activities, we are just running non stop at the moment. Mostly good stuff but even too much of good stuff can be overwhelming! Needless to say, I haven't picked up my camera for fun in a couple of weeks! :-(
The light at the end of the tunnel (or at least a break in the tunnel) is Ryan's arrival on Sunday!!! We are all SOOOOO excited to have him here! We were disappointed to see today that he's moving right in his dorm on Sunday and will be tied up with school all week but we're still glad he'll be nearby and hopefully he'll be able to squeeze us into his busy schedule! I've already got all of Ryan's games laid out in my planner. Can't wait!!
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