The Christening was a really special event. The church we attend now is just awesome and Father Mike is such a great guy so it had to be a success! This was the first baptism we've had that was during a service so that was different. Also, they do full immersion at St. Joan of Arc which for an infant means that Father Mike gets in the baptismal pool, takes the baby, and swishes them back and forth in the water up to about their chest. He's very gentle with them and it's really very sweet. The babies don't put on their baptismal gown until after that. Emma wore the same one that the other kids have worn...it was knit by my maternal grandmother. She did awesome throughout the service with about 5 seconds of crying while she was in the water. Otherwise, a real trooper all day. Actually, all the kids did great and Corey and Lilly now say they'd be willing to go back to church with me so that's great!! We'll see what they say after mass on Sunday!

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