Corey received his 2nd Trimester progress report this weekend so I thought I'd do a quick progress report on all the kids:
Corey: As stated by his teacher: "Corey continues to enter our Kindergarten community each day with a smile and eager attitude towards his learning. I am impressed by Corey's work ethic and his willingness to help those around him. Corey frequently demonstrates higher-level thinking during cognitively guided instruction...I am impressed by the creativity and thought that Corey infuses into his daily journal writing. Corey is an exceptional and confident reader. Corey will turn in nothing but his best work and I am continually impressed by Corey's attention to detail and fabulous penmanship. Way to go!" Enough said...we're very proud of him.
Lilly: She's very social and has loads of girls that she considers great friends. She's also an excellent big sister and can play so well with Clare. They're really terrific buddies and I think it's going to be quite a tough transition for Clare next year when Lilly is gone to school all day! Lilly is doing a great job with learning her letters. She doesn't have the same confidence that Corey has to take risks with guessing at words or showing how much she knows but she's definitely retaining a lot so hopefully she'll start sharing more. We're in the process of signing up for Summer School (which is really like camp with fun electives to choose from) and she pretty much wanted to do whatever Corey wanted to do. It'll be interesting to see how she does next year in Kindergarten. I think it'll be really great for her!!
Clare: Clare's language has changed leaps and bounds in the past few months. We always knew she was "getting it" but now she's also able to communicate and it's SO fun! She has a very playful personality and rarely gets a bad attitude. Even when she does, she's just a couple minutes away from a big smile. Such a joy to be around. She's still quite shy around new people if she thinks there's a chance she'll be left with them (which of course never happens) but she's becoming more social when we run into people at a store or restaurant...frequently wanting to tell the people working there about her new shoes or introduce Emma to them, etc. The best part is that they're actually starting to understand her which she LOVES! She has a bad habit of hitting which seems to come on stronger when she's tired but we started "time outs" with her and that seems to really be helping.
Emma: As you'd expect a 4th child to be, she's just fitting right in. She's very laid back, smiley, and adaptable. She's really enjoying eating solids although it hasn't really impacted her nighttime routines. She still wakes a couple of times in her 12-13 hours of nighttime sleep. Not too out of the norm although it would be nice if we could eliminate one of those! The kids are really great with her and she lights up when they pay attention to her. Very sweet.
Rob & Kelly: We're doing fine. We've had a couple of nice, mild weekends and a few chances to get out and visit with some friends so that's been a nice change! We're so ready for spring and summer to arrive! Other than that, Rob still has a job so we're both very grateful! Not much more we could ask for right now....a great family and security (at least for the moment).